Monday, July 11, 2011

Jago's mice

Yesterday Jago brought his mice to school. There are two mice. One is light brown and the other one is dark brown. I like them because they can climb up the wall and onto the roof of their little house. They live in a really big cage, with two ladders, and a rat wheel. At the top of the ladders is a little house where they sleep. Sometimes they get scared because we can be quite noisy. They are going to stay with us for the week.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This term we have been looking at persuasive writing. 
We looked at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We talked about whether she should have gone into the house or not. Here is my poster. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


In phonics my class has been leawrning the oo sound and the easy words were book and look and we learnt  other sound like ee sound. Phonics is fun because you get to lots of fun writing and write silly sentences to practise the sounds. You get to do Robot arms too, to sound out the words. I know the difference between diagraphs and blends. Diagraph is two letter that make one sound like, th, ch and sh, and a blend is two different sounds blended together like cr, st, dr.